bedrooms cork

Bedrooms Extensions - Reasons to Expand

First and foremost, your dream kitchen would probably be spacious.  Having all the room to give you enough space for cooking, baking and socializing is an important first step.  From there, it would probably have lots of counter and work space, plenty of storage and a place for everything.  It would have good-sized windows to allow for plenty of sunlight.  It would also have plenty of lighting while you’re working or cleaning up, in addition to task lighting when you are working on something special.  You might have open shelving to display family heirlooms or cookbooks, in addition to a place to grow fresh herbs or plants.  There might be a place for an eating nook, so you can serve fresh meals hot off the stove.

Working in a cramped space where lighting is poor and storage space is limited does not make your time spent in the kitchen a pleasant experience.